How Often To Clean Keurig Machine
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Question: 'I have a large family and go through washing machines as if they're going out of fashion! Can you tell me how to clean a washing machine and help it last longer?'
Cleaning expert, Helen Harrison, explains how in four easy steps:
Most importantly, don't overload your machine. Always leave at least a fist-sized gap between the wash-load and the top of the drum, otherwise the load won't spin properly.

After every wash, wipe out the detergent drawer to minimise soap build-up. You should also wipe dry the inside of the rubber door seal and leave the door itself ajar when the machine isn't in use; less moisture means less mould growth on the seal, which will prolong its life – well worth doing when you consider replacement door seals for more expensive models can cost as much as £200!
Every month or so give it a quick MOT. Remove the detergent drawer completely and wash it under hot running water. Check the drain filters regularly too. It's amazing how much fluff collects in them and you may just find that missing sock you were hunting for! Inspect the drainage hoses for any signs of wear and weakness; most manufacturers recommend replacing the hoses every five years or so anyway.

Finally, all machines will benefit from a monthly maintenance wash to keep bacteria, smells, grease and limescale at bay. This is particularly true if you do most of your washing at low temperatures and/or use liquid detergents; the lack of bleaching agents in liquids means bacteria can survive more easily in your machine and cause nasty smells and moulds to develop over time. To do this, run the washing machine empty on its highest temperature setting, using a full dose of good old-fashioned loose powder or tablet-form detergent. This is because liquid detergents generally don't contain bleach, which makes them less effective for sterilisation.
From: House Beautiful magazine
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How Often To Clean Keurig Machine
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