
How To Clean Out A Gas Tank

How To Clean A Fuel Tank Without Removing It

You are probably thinking how to avoid the trouble of removing your fuel tank and clean it while it's mounted on your car. Is it possible tho?

First, you need to disconnect the fuel lines. Drain the fuel tank completely. Then, use a pressure washer to wash out the debris and rust. Apply a cleaning solution and leave it for a couple hours. Rinse the tank with water and leave it to dry for 48 hours. Don't worry if you didn't dry your fuel tank well enough because there is a solution for that as well.

How To Clean A Fuel Tank Without Removing It

If you don't have the time, or the skills to remove a fuel tank in order to clean it, here is how to clean a fuel tank without removing it:

1. Read the instruction manual

Before starting, find the instruction manual and see how to disconnect the fuel tank lines. This step is important because fuel tank lines vary on make and model. Make sure you follow the safety instructions.

2. Drain the fuel tank

This is probably the most important step. You need to drain the fuel tank completely. A good way to do this is to leave the car running until it's the last drop of fuel. You can also jack your car from one side so the fuel can drain better from the tank.

3. De-grease your fuel tank

After you drain your fuel tank, but it still smells of gasoline, you need to de-grease your tank. De-greasing your fuel tank will bring a better result. You can use a commercial de-greaser or mix some dish detergent and hot water. Leave this mixture in the tank for 24 hours. If it still smells after 24 hours, do this step again.

4. Pressure wash your fuel tank

After the de-greasing process is done, you need to wash your tank with water. Use a pressure washer to wash out all the debris, rust and dirt from the tank. Try to point your sprayer at various angles inside the tank so you can remove the rust from the fuel tank walls. Make sure you are wearing goggles as debris may get into your eyes.

5. Adding a cleaning solution

Your fuel tank probably has grime or rust in it. For this, you will need to use a cleaning solution. The chemicals from the cleaning solutions will break down the rust. After applying the cleaning solution, you will be able to wash off the dirt and debris easily. Try using some professional grade acid solutions.

6. Leave the tank

You need to allow the cleaning solution to sit for a couple hours. I left my tank for 5 hours total. After that, I was able to remove the rust and sludge very easy. If you don't have much free time, I think that leaving it for 2 hours will do the job.

7. Rinse the fuel tank

Rinse your tank properly with some water. Spray with water until there is no more smell of gasoline.

8. Dry the fuel tank

After you are done with cleaning, you need to leave the tank for 24-48 hours to dry. Make sure your fuel tank is dried completely. You do not want to leave water in your fuel tank. Again, after it is dried, make sure there is no smell of gasoline.

Just in case your car is backfiring, here is what you should do.

I Didn't Dry My Fuel Tank Enough

If you didn't leave your fuel tank long enough to dry and installed it back on, water in your fuel tank can cause you some problems. You will immediately experience symptoms like trouble with acceleration or changes of speed. There are two ways to fix this issue. The first one is to drain the entire volume of gas from the fuel tank. This step requires time and money. The second step is to use a fuel additive made for removing water. There is a product called HEET (Check the current price on absorbs the water from gas. This product will help you if you only have less water than fuel in your tank. If you have more water and less fuel, this product will not work.

Best Products For Cleaning Fuel Tank

How To Clean A Fuel Tank Without Removing It

Here are some fuel tank cleaning solutions that my friends and I have used that actually work. If you with to read a more detailed product review on fuel tank cleaners, check it our here.

3. Star Tron Gas Tank and Fuel System Cleaner

This cleaning solution will remove the sludge and deposits from gasoline. It is safe to use for any tanks, including polyurethane. I do have a more detailed product review which you can check out here.

star tron enzyme formula fuel tank cleaner

2. Evapo-Rust Pail Rust Remover

This cleaner is safe on skin, biodegradable and contains no acids. Do not dilute with water.

evapo-rust rust remover tank cleaner

1. Red Line Fuel System Cleaner

This product contains synthetic upper cylinder lubricant. Use the whole bottle for best results.

red line fuel tank cleaner

Moving on. After cleaning your tank, you need to check your fuel pump and fuel filter. If your tank needed cleaning, there is a high chance that your fuel pump and filter needs cleaning as well.

How To Know If My Fuel System Needs Cleaning?

How To Clean A Fuel Tank Without Removing It

The fuel system plays a key role in your car. But how would you know if you are having a problem with your fuel tank or fuel pump? Here are some warning signs:

  1. If your vehicle sputters at high speeds, there might be something wrong with your fuel pump. This happens because the pump is struggling to supply the engine with fuel.
  2. If your car temperature rises up and the car stalls, this may be because of your fuel pump. If this happens, your pump might be starting to deteriorate and will need to be replaced or cleaned.
  3. Check your fuel pressure gauge and the owner's manual. See how much pressure an properly operating pump should be exerting versus what your pump is currently exerting. Anything less than what the owner's manual is saying is a sign that your pump needs to be replaced or cleaned.
  4. When your car is under stress it might show some symptoms. If you are driving up a hill or trying to accelerate fast and your car engine turns off, this means that your fuel pump is not supplying a steady stream of fuel to the engine.
  5. If your car starts to spend more gas then usual. When the fuel pump is about to fail, more fuel than necessary flows into the engine system. So if there is a difference in the gas mileage, this might be a signal.
  6. If your engine won't start, and there is nothing wrong with your ignition or battery, meaning, your engine cranks and revs but won't start.

If you have any of the signs that I mentioned above, now its time to clean the fuel pump and filter. First, you need to remove the filter and here is how:

How To Remove Your Fuel Filter

  1. Find the fuse for your fuel pump and remove it. After that, start your engine and let it run for 2 minutes. If your car shut's down before the 2-minute mark, no worries, this means that the pressure is relieved.
  2. Turn off your car and remove the negative terminal on your battery. Secure the cable so it doesn't come into contact with the terminal by accident.
  3. It's time to locate your fuel filter. Location of the fuel filter by make and model. It will say in the owner's manual. But it should be anywhere between the engine and gas tank.
  4. Jack up your car.
  5. Detach the fuel lines from the filter. Place a bucket beneath the filter to catch the fuel.
  6. Use a wrench to remove the fuel lines and remove the filter from the bracket.

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How To Clean Your Fuel Filter

If there is any gas left in the filter, make sure you pour it out. For the next step, you will need a pressurized carburetor cleaner. Spray the filter with the cleaner and leave it to sit for 2 hours. If there is a debris, tap it out and leave the filter to dry for an hour. After cleaning, put the filter back into the bracket. Reconnect the fuel lines and lower your car. Reconnect your battery and start your engine. Your car should now run smoothly. If you notice a fuel spill, you need to check your fuel lines and secure them.

BONUS: Why You Shouldn't Drive With Your Low Fuel Light On

It has happened to all of us. That yellow annoying light just keeps on turning on. No matter the gas price, some drivers cannot afford to have a full tank all the time. There was a survey made back in 2015 which showed that almost 800,000 drivers ignore their fuel light. But driving with your fuel light on may lead to some issues that will hurt your wallet.

Top mechanics recommend that you should keep your tank no less than 1/4 full. Why is that? The fuel gauge isn't very accurate, to begin with. It should be considered as an estimate, not an exact measurement. Running on low gas can damage your car, your catalytic converter to be exact. Also, the gas acts as a coolant for the electric fuel-pump motor. So driving with low fuel allows the pump to suck in more air creating more heat which will lead to a damaged pump. Not to speak about running out of fuel. This is pretty annoying and I hate it when I ran out of fuel. So trust me, it's better to have your tank at least 1/4 full at all times.

Is your engine oil due for a change? Visit our Car Fluid Guide Website to learn the importance of changing your oil on time, which type of engine oil is best for your vehicle, and much more.

How To Clean Out A Gas Tank


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